Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thanksgiving!!! (sort of)

A few days early, granted, but we're having our feast tonight. Lacking an oven in the SIC office, turkey is out of the question, but we ordered chicken to compensate. We're having mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, and many other delicious dishes! Not quite the American holiday we're used to, but very festive anyway!

Miss all of you!
Happy Holidays!!!


Anonymous said...

I hope you and your cohorts have had / are having / have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Best wishes from a turkey you know well.

Anonymous said...

Hey Nat;

We just got the time to read your complete blog and we are so happy for you. What a most excellent adventure! If we can do anything for you please feel free to call.

Roy & Karen
PS We be thankful for you and your's...remember safety and security...please bee careful

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving,
It was wonderful seeing you in Tanzania. Chuck and I made all the connecting we were thankful for late planes. You and the others are doing amazing work. I was very moved by the amount of work that is needed in Tanzania. I was moved also by those beautiful children in Tanzania.
God's blessing to your work there!
Safe journey home,
The Tanzania Safari Brandts